Friday, November 27, 2009


I am trying to hold out until Sunday, depending on temps. I am a total POAS-a-holic...but only the $1 ones. I don't dare waste a FRER or Digital :)

I have to say that my boobs hurt like A MOFO and have for days. Which has made this cycle very different for me. But meh, that could mean anything. They always get sore a few days leading up to AF. Who knows, I could start spotting soon! I just find it so odd that I O'ed on CD15 this time...who knows.

Monday, November 23, 2009

another 2ww

well here I am folks. In the midst of another 2ww!

for some unknown reason my body decided to LOVE ME and ovulate on CD15! No more waiting until CD22 to O. yay!

So today I'm 5dpo and just chuggin' along. This cycle has been pretty low key actually. Because I didn't really expect to O when I did, DH & I just had some fun crazy sex. No pressure - just good times. It actually worked out well with the timing!

The other thing that was super weird was that I had LOTS of CM this cycle. Lots of Egg-White & Wet CM. Let's hope it was for a reason...

I will try & be good this time around & update you all when I have more phantom symptoms to whine about ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

BFN at 12dpo.


my temp is still up at 97.70 so who knows.

I have sore boobs & gas. But those are also PMS signs. BAHHHHHH.

Monday, November 2, 2009

i suck at blogging

well, not at all blogging...I actually have a few blogs IRL that I am very active with.

I think the reason I have not updated this blog is because I just don't never seems to help me in getting KU!!

Today I'm 11dpo. My chart is lookin' might fine if I do say so myself. But I cannot lie - I have pretty much no faith. OH and I bought the VIP version of - because everyone knows that once you do that, you get KU...right?


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

my boobs

are sore. but not that sore. They've been hurting the past few days but definitely noticeable today.

Some wet CM today too. Other than that not much going on. Just waiting to see if I get a high temp tomorrow. I will be 11dpo.

I'm chalking up my boobs to PMS.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

8 dpo.

either my chart is headed South for the upcoming Fall/Winter, or there is a .0001% chance that this is an implantation dip.

My guess is the first. Because all of my optimism was wasted on last month's cycle.

Friday, September 25, 2009

an update on this cycle.

so I'm on CD28 and 6DPO. It's another long cycle. I O'ed on CD22 this time.

I am really not getting my hopes up or analyzing my chart. Post O-temps can be all over the place and really, until I'm at least 10dpo it's not even something I should think about.

I cannot help but think however, that this cycle is very similar to my BFP cycle. Late ovulation, positive OPK's, lots of sex with DH...ha.

and I'm not sure if I'm just making this up (phantom symptom) but I *think* my boobs are starting to hurt. Which could mean nothing, they often hurt during PMS.

Here's hoping for the best. I'm in the 2ww - but don't expect the play by play freakout session that you got to witness last month. I'm mostly over the crazies for now. Once I hit 10dpo I think that will change.

Luckily we have lots going on this weekend so I will be distracted.